So Austin and I went to the 20 week scan filled with anticipation. We even arrived crazy early in our eagerness.
Went into the scan room to see the little Sprite - who was asleep, curled up tight and face planted downwards. Briefly he extended a little arm and showed us a tiny fist and quickly we could count 4 fingers and a thumb. Then the woman doing the scan looked as his brain development and said "wow, big baby, big brain."
She checked along his spine but then he wiggled - didn't like the pressure.
She focused on his heart - yup all four chambers are there beating away properly. Found the kidneys but could only check function in one because of how he was lying.
And at this point we needed him to move. We wiggled the tummy - he didn't like it but didn't move. I poked the tummy and he briefly splayed his hands - I imagine he was saying "leave me ALONE mum!"
We could not get him to move. Not a bit.
so out we went. I drank some cold coke. We walked quickly round the car park. And then I ran round the car park.
Back in... and nope - he hadn't moved at all!
in fact he was so tightly tucked in and face planted that we couldn't even get a picture of him - we didn't even get to see his face let alone find out if he's a he or a she. So bummed!
but - on the up side - we get to go and try again next Monday.