Thursday 30 May 2013

nearly half way!

tomorrow. tomorrow this little Sprite will be half built. and on Monday we get to find out what paint job he'll have. very exciting.

I have been so very lucky so far with this pregnancy - not much sicky feeling, tired... not bad all in all.
but oh my goodness - the heart burn. I've gone from having one rennies once a day at the beginning of this pregnancy to having many many - and even having to have one in the middle of the night because the heartburn wakes me up. And last night I had to have 2. s
so bad. so bad!

but still - 4 more sleeps and we get to see the little guy again. and then either Austin will be smug at his prediction of a rich red paint job, or I will be smug because I'm betting it'll be a lovely blue. Either way we'll both be happy if the little guy is healthy and on track with his growth and development.

Any colour guesses?

Monday 20 May 2013

dead. tired.

So everyone says you feel tired with pregnancy. Fine. 
What they don't say is that you know those days where you've been crazy busy all day, when you've run everywhere and done everything and at the end of the day you're bone tired ready for bed? Well, when you're pregnant that's how you feel when you START your day, so by the end of it you can't see how you can even get up enough energy to eat supper, let alone make it, or hang up the laundry or, let's face it, get upstairs to bed. 
Everyone says that your energy comes back in the second trimester. What they left out is the word "hopefully". Nearly half way through and I ain't seen none of that energy dat been promised me! 

and I still need to make 30 rat costumes this evening for our school play, make dinner, hang up laundry, mark a set of maths books.... 

They also didn't explain that when you're as tired as this, you tend to cry. I hate crying. This isn't a good evening.